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 Letterman uses Conan to dig Leno

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Letterman uses Conan to dig Leno Empty
PostSubject: Letterman uses Conan to dig Leno   Letterman uses Conan to dig Leno EmptyFri May 18, 2012 8:15 am

Memo to David Letterman: Let it go already.
Letterman, who’s made a sport of bashing frenemy Jay Leno, was at it again last night — ripping into the “Tonight Show” host with guest Conan O’Brien, visiting “The Late Show” for the first time since Leno reclaimed “Tonight” from him in 2010. “I think the longer we just sit here, the more uncomfortable it will make Jay,” Letterman said to O’Brien after the host of TBS’s “Conan” sat down and the two men sat in silence.
“You know Jay’s watching right now,” O’Brien said. “You know he’s . . . getting a live feed in a satellite truck right now.”

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